
Jan 25th, 2009
So with chapter 6 on its way, Moon Crest 24 will soon be released as a volume, an actual comic book of +130 pages for you to hold in your hands. Now I plan to sell it myself at anime conventions, so here's my proposal to you. For $5 you can have your ad on one of the pages in the book. If you want more information and submission details e-mail me. Title your e-mail "MC24 ad Project".
And just so you know, all the money will be used towards the production of the comic, such as materials and paper and other essentials.
You can also advertise here on the site itself. For $1 you can have your comic's banner featured in the Links section for 2 weeks. Max Banner dimensions: 468x60px (width/height) & 40kb
Payments are made through PayPal. E-mail me first though. Thank you!

Jan 12th, 2009
First of all. I want to start by apologizing my comicgenesis readers for not having uploaded chapter 5 yet. It should've been up by the 10th. But now it's uploaded and free to read.

Chapter 05! Yay! That means that I'm one chapter away from finally making this comic into a volume which you'll be able to get online. I'll give you the website once the volume is out.

Regarding Chapter 5. Well, this should be a fun chapter. It's actually a little game. For each page there will be some or no references to video games or movies and other nerdy things. I'll let you know how many references there are in each page if you go to MC24's twin website which is If you guess most of them by the time this chapter is over, I'll put your name on a raffle. If your name is picked (and it shall be picked at random), then I will commission for you, for free, anything you want. Mail your answers to me by the of this month, number your answers with the pages they belong to. Winner shall be announced and an email sent to him/her for notification.

Have fun.

Dec 1st, 2008
Hello! Happy Holidays!

How was your Thanksgiving dinner? Did you get a chance to eat a Turducken?

Alright folks, last time I told you that my comic's title was going to change starting today. From now on the title of this comic will be Moon Crest 24. I believe that this is a very fitting title and the number 24 does have a purpose to it which you'll find out later on in the series.
Chapter 04 will finally be released sometime December 10th and it will introduce a new character and bring back someone you thought would not show up again. Also, there are two new desktops I made to commemorate the actual release of my comic. What does that mean? Think about it this way: While under the old title, my comic was basically undergoing an open beta test, where people read the first three chapters of the comic for free. After many had given me feedback on things I should do, today I officially release my comic under its new title - Moon Crest 24.

The only thing I have to change now is the URL. It's still I've asked around the Help forums, how to change the URL, but a conclusion hasn't been reached yet.

Anyways... Enjoy the new chapter when it comes out, see ya!

Nov 14th, 2008
Yo! How's it going people?
So, I have a few things to tell you this time around. First of all, I want to say that due to personal problems, I wasn't able to do much work on Chapter 4 so that one won't be coming out until December. Also, I'm changing this comic's title. The current title isn't cutting it for me... nor for anyone else. So starting December 1st Vampire Boy D will have a new name and new logo.

I hope you've been enjoying my comic. Send me some fan mail every once in a while to keep me going. You can also donate to me - all donations will go toward the comic (like pencils, pens, erasers, more paper..... food for me, so I don't starve to death... then again, if I don't starve then I can't keep the classic title of starving artist. Well, you decide.)

Thanks for your support!
C ya next time!

August 29th, 2008
Hi! So the website doesn't look as bad anymore. I've been working like a dog, learning html and css. It's been a true battle, my brain must be bleeding inside from all the coding wounds... if that even makes sense. But anyways, what matters is that I learned a lot of things I didn't know about coding and now the site is all pretty and stuff. The comic pages are starting to come up one by one each day - everything is all good and ready to go!
Well, except I still need to make a store somewhere... I don't even know what kinda stuff sells...uh.. and still gotta create a comicgenesis forum for the comic....... however you do it... *sigh*. Still a lot of work ahead of me. But if I survived three whole days of html and css coding, then this should be no obstacle!
C ya around!

August 27th, 2008
Hi there visitors! As you might be guessing, this site IS under construction at the moment. It sure does look like it anyways. But not entirely, even though the site might look a little crappy, comic pages are up and you can look at them in the main page. Again, the site looks crappy and very amateur but then again, I just started learning HTML so bear with me.

*gnarls like a bear* Heheh! ^-^;;;

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Moon Crest 24 and all related material are ©2008 Joao Calixto.